Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blue Jays Hire Manager, discuss payoll, and the catching situation for 2011

For those like myself who can really give two stinkers about the Texas Rangers vs. San Fran Giants world series matchup; I have some nice news regarding our beloved Toronto Blue Jays.

After a very surprising season the Toronto Blue Jays have moved into fulll off-season mode.

Firstly, the managerial position has been filled. The Jays snagged Red Sox pitching coach John Ferrel, and made him manager. This move has recieved nothing but glaring and positive remarks from important baseball folks. ESPN said that this move makes the Jays a much better team, while former Boston Red Sox right-hander Curt Shilling mentioned that this was a great pick-up for Toronto.

In other coaching moves; it seems that 3B coach Butterfield and Pitching Coach Walton, will be in fact remaining with the team. All in all, I give Jays GM Alex A. a big fat A+ for the way he handled this situation.

Secondly, in a recent article that was published in the Toronto Star it was noted that Jays ownership is prepared to increase payroll this season. Now, before we get all hot and heavy over this, we need to understand that increase will likely come from current roster players. A few of them are arby ready, and will get a slight pay increase. However, who knows, perhaps one (Manny) or two slightly bigger contracts will be purchased by the Jays this offseason. Only time will tell.

Furthermore, the Jays picked up the option of backup catcher Jose Molina. This is interesting because it tells me that John Buck will likely not be back (although Alex. A has indicated they will continue to talk). It's to bad that Cito mishandled rockstar JPA in the fashion he did. JPA could have used the playing time down the stretch.

Finally, this is just the start of what could be a very interesting offseason. Many fans, like myself are keen to find out what direction will take place regarding Jose Bautista.

Stay tuned...

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